Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Previously Unpublished Vlog #3! Woo!

3rd Vlog from Renee Badenoch on Vimeo.

Untitled from Renee Badenoch on Vimeo.


  1. You make me laugh. A lot. :D
    You look so tired in these posts! Still, thanks for posting. Like a blast from the past or something;)

  2. Yeah, when I picture, "Bucholic", the sheep are barfing under slowly churning dark clouds. Poor sheep.

  3. Carol Berg used "tintinnabulating" in The Soul Mirror and I smiled and thought of you.

    EXCELLENT BOOK, by the way, you should read it. But read The Spirit Lens first because it's the first in the series. But yeah, The Soul Mirror has just vaulted Berg firmly into first place on my list of favorite authors. Like, you know how I said Breath and Bone (also by her) was the best novel I'd ever read? The Soul Mirror is better. I don't know how she does it, but every book she writes is better than the last. She's NEVER ONCE let me down, and that's... unusual. Unheard-of, even. Her plots are fantastic and her endings are truly magnificent. Seriously, if she follows her usual pattern then the third one will be a thousand times better than any of her other books, and I might possibly die of yay.

    ...Actually I take it back, don't read either of them yet, The Daemon Prism doesn't come out for another year and I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive the wait.

    Er. I didn't actually mean for this to turn into a Carol Berg promo. I just, guh. Every time I read something by her it seems like I can't stop gushing superlatives.
